Sunday, September 20, 2015

User Testing

I did user testing with two of my roommates, giving each of them a different task scenario to follow.

Testing Scenario #1:
I asked Katie to find a 20 ounce bottle of ketchup. Since the site “home page” is just a slideshow gallery, she asked if she needed to find it in those photos. I said, “You can enter the site.” When she did enter the site, she looked at the home page for about 8 seconds and then clicked on the “Quantity” button. She quickly clicked on the “20 – 29 ounces” button and scrolled through some of the photos in the section and then said, “There's three 20 ounce bottles.”

Testing Scenario #1 Summary:
Finding the 20 ounce bottle of ketchup was really easy. I thought it was interesting that Katie was a bit confused about whether to enter the site or not. This could potentially be a usability problem when given a specific task scenario.

Testing Scenario #2:
I asked Rebecca to find a brand of Ketchup she’d never heard of before. She entered the site right away and clicked on “Manufacturer” and then “Others.” She scrolled through a couple and then said, “I’ve never heard of Sir Kensington’s ketchup before. Or Sriracha. That was pretty easy.” She also said she’d never heard of spicy ketchup flavors.

Testing Scenario #2 Summary:
Rebecca completed the task really quickly and easily.

Overall Summary:
Both users agreed that the site is easy to use and navigate.

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