Thursday, September 10, 2015

Museum of Ketchup - Design Directions

These are the three design directions I played with a bit.

This first one is the original idea that I'd had in my head since I began the project: very classic, timeless design, light and neutral color palette, simple.

As I tinkered around with ideas, this black and white idea is quite similar to the original idea, but more formal with a honed-in color scheme centered around the idea of Ketchup!

Even though I like both of these ideas, especially the second one, as I revisited my ideas of target audience and what ketchup really is, I decided a more playful design would be better. This one uses brighter colors and “retro-style” design, the whole idea being that “ketchup goes way back” and the design invokes that. This is the design I'm working with. I'm using half-toned photos to display the ketchup bottles, which gives an old-timey, newspaperish, homey feel.

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