Saturday, November 14, 2015


For each of the 3 scenarios/interfaces I chose to continue with, I am asking these questions.-How might it serve its purpose in a range of contexts based on your stories?-How might it facilitate person-to-person, person-to-thing, or person-to place interactions?-How might it bridge the gap between digital and physical interactions?

Science camp scenario

-Would serve multiple purposes: Chastity would be able to pursue one of her largest interests, the interface would allow her to meet people beforehand and help her be more at ease while making new friends at the camp, it would be an involvement opportunity which would satisfy one of Kristen’s concerns for her daughter, and it would give her momentum to work towards her big “life goals” which is another of Kristen’s concerns.

-It would facilitate interactions with people by allowing her to get to know other students ahead of time, helping her to be more at ease when she meets them at the camp. It would facilitate person-to-thing interactions by allowing her to take home whatever she was able to accomplish at the camp, which would give her a stronger bond with her goal to be an inventor. It facilitates person-to-place interaction by helping her see that there are safe environments for making friends.

-It would bridge the gap to human interaction by setting the stage for the interaction. She would get to meet people beforehand and then get to interact with them in person on a more comfortable level, feeling like she already has a connection with them because of the interface.

Playground scenario
-It would serve the purpose of giving Chastity more opportunities for interaction in a comfortable environment, with people she already knows.

-It would facilitate person interaction by setting the goals for Chastity to invite a friend to play with her in order to complete the goal and finish the “game.” It would facilitate person-to-object interaction by choosing an object with which to fulfill the goal (a jumprope for instance). It would facilitate person-to-place interaction by setting goals in a certain place – usually the playground – where the interface will most be used.

-It will bridge the gap to people interaction by essentially forcing the user to interact with a person before they can fulfill the goals of the game interface.

Swimming lessons scenario
-It would target Chastity’s interests, which would be plugged into the interface previously, and find activities she might enjoy. It would allow Chastity to more enjoy going to the pool since she will be more easily able to swim and have fun. It would allow her to set goals along with her teammates in order to reach goals together. This would help her feel more involved with the team as a group. Camaraderie.

-It would facilitate person interaction by helping her find the team, and by goal-setting together as a team. It would facilitate person-to-place interaction because it would heighten her enjoyment of the pool and give her a specific place to pursue this interest. I’m not sure if it would fulfill a person-to-object goal.

-It would bridge the gap to person interaction by being simply the tool used as a means to set up person interaction by being on a team.

1 comment:

  1. hey liz, you have a lot of thoughtful writing here that addresses the required issues specifically, and does so well. i appreciate that level of detail. seems to me that you can eliminate idea one (science camp) because the development of science lessons might be overly involved for this project. also, developing an interest in science and then helping get a kid enrolled in a science camp near them might be too broadly ranging or too involved. and the other two seem to fulfill the other project goals better anyway. but you need to make the call, ultimately. if you can convince me of the merit of the science camp idea then i'm cool with you pursuing it.

    the playground scenario looks interesting because it requires a very convenient, mobile, and action-oriented (durable) device, whatever that may be. the way it provides both a game and social prompts is clever and i can see potential in that if you build it out more using additional scenarios (what about if she's alone? can she still use it to play? what about group games?) it's also great that the whole thing is predicated on using play equipment to really force that physical person-to-object interaction. you mentioned "goals" several times and i see potential for that in somehow tracking progress for chastity and her mom.

    the swimming scenario is good as well for similar reasons to the playground scenario. i like the idea of location-based activities for kids based on their profile. one thing that seems to be missing is how it might help her make friends once she's at the swimming lessons, but perhaps that's too far afield of the core functions of this idea. so if it's about finding activities and setting goals, i would work out a couple of other scenarios to show how it might be used for, say, an art class at the local community center, and/or used by kids who have been using it for a year.

    regardless of what direction you go in, for monday's class you should have three stories about the same project idea that show its basic use in those three different contexts. what you currently have are three different projects, so choose one and build it out in more detail using two additional stories, plus some basic screen wireframes that show what users could do.

    nice work! let me know if you have questions.
